Health is everything…
It affects our entire existence, from the simplest of chores to the grandest of dreams. Relationships, career, the ability to enjoy the small pleasures in life, and the big ones too, there isn’t any aspect of our life which our health does not touch.
Everything is Health…
True health encompasses the totality of ones being, physical, mental, emotional, spiritual and energetic.
Can the physical body be strong when the energy body is totally drained?
When one is depressed how much energy is there to get things done?
When the body’s in pain how well does the mind work?

Quantum Health & Healing
Quantum Health & Healing utilize the principles of Quantum Physics and Quantum Field for the restoration of health. In the Quantum world energy and consciousness are the main players. We all know how long it takes to switch a light bulb off or on. Making energetic shifts in our body can be just as fast. And it’s not uncommon for the body to need to catch up to all of the shifts which have been made in a Quantum session.
Among the techniques utilized in Quantum sessions are energy, meditation, hypnosis, consciousness, Neuro Linguistic Programing, and many more.
The focus is allowing the totality of the person to make shifts so that no part is left behind.

"Before the QHHT session I was intrigued by the method and I felt excited for the opportunity to consider the areas of of my life that I most wanted to see change. How refreshing to write down questions about my life and to ask my subconscious mind to solve them. In the session, I was fascinated at the places my mind did go. Memories that were long buried, surfaced and even though their significance was not at all obvious, the string of unexpected thoughts and memories that emerged were clearly coming from a state of subconscious openness. Still, I left that afternoon unaware of the power of what had just transpired.
And then, boom! I never could have anticipated the degree of instantaneous change that I experienced from just one session. I feel like overnight I have finally become the person I always wanted to be. EFFORTLESSLY! That's the beauty of it. No more self criticism, no more guilt, no more cajoling myself. The conflicts surrounding these issues have vanished. I am free to just be. I feel a level of peace that I have never known. It has been a month since the hypnosis and I am still constantly pleased and amazed at the lasting change. Roos (Malka) Ahern, I am so grateful for your total and utter non-judgmental manner, your sharp insight, and your fine-tuned skill which helped me achieve this so critical and longed-for change which transforms and deepens my most personal relationships.
(Three weeks later)
I am a DIFFERENT mother. Especially with my 25 year old daughter, but my 11 year old is also benefiting greatly. This change came just at the right time for her, because approaching teen years when children tend to pull away. Hashem bless you with success, this method is powerful!"
S.K., Brooklyn, NY
Roos (Malka)
My journey with alternative forms of healing started as a teen when a chiropractor took care of a back issue that the doctors said would be around the rest of my life. Later NLP, Homeopathy and Strategic Intervention Coaching would each do their part in resolving “incurables”. After having studied and practiced the latter three I found QHHT’s approach of getting to the core and resolving even physical issues in just one session to be extremely effective and refreshing.
With this, it was no surprise when a friend sent a link to Eben Alexander’s talk about his near death experience (NDE) and miraculous recovery. While this had me amazed, after hearing Anita Moorjani’s story of her NDE and similarly miraculous recovery my mind was ablaze. This was obviously repeatable, but how? The Divine Reveal TDR came through as the answer.
But just when we think we're done, life adds more twists and turns to our journey. TDR is a process which can accomplish a lot, but also takes a lot of time and effort. What about people who are not ready for this yet? The answer for this came through as QPR, Quantum Pain Relief.
QPR is a relatively short process which reduces pain and other problematic sensations by up to 80% in a single session. Hypnosis, meditation, and reviewing past traumas are not needed. It is as effective on recent injuries as it is on twenty year old back issues and chronic pain diseases.
Roos (Malka) is a former student of the Tony Robbins & Cloe Madanes Mastery Coaching program and a level 2 practitioner of the Dolores Cannon Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).
Roos (Malka) is currently focused on practitioner support and training.

I would love to speak with you about Quantum Health and how it can assist in your journey. Since most of the current offerings take place via internet, we can work together from almost anywhere in the world.
Roos (Malka) Ahern
706 Crown St., Brooklyn, NY 11213
Avraham HaCohen 70/3, Tzfat ,Israel
Tel US: 718-395-2210 Israel: 0537983698
Skype: MalkaAhern WhatsApp: 972537983698
You will generally receive a response from me withing 24 hrs, with the exception of the Jewish sabbath, (Friday sunset-Saturday night), and Jewish holidays.
When using the below form please consider including your phone number. Otherwise if there is a typo in the email address I will not be able to reach you.

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