Book of Innocence Discussion Group
Free Zoom Group
**Enrollment for this group is now closed.
The Book of Innocence is a channeled work by Paul Selig. The focus of the book is getting back to that pure untainted part of you. It also covers how functioning from this space affects the collective consciousness.
We’ll be going through the book one chapter at a time and assisting each other in understanding and growth.
This is the latest book which Paul Selig has channeled through his guides. Innocence, that pure untouched spark, is the focus of many types of sessions. Paul’s guides assist in dropping what is holding you back to achieving its expression through attunements throught the text.
I’ve not only made tremendous inner shifts, but have seen clearly how this affects my direct environment, despite what is happening in Israel all around me.
But I still have further to go, and I’d like to invite you to join me on this journey…
With this, I’m starting a new Zoom group for anyone who would like to go through the book together with me. We’ll be going through it one chapter at a time, starting with the introduction.
We are meeting bi weekly on Thursdays at 10 am Pacific Time for 90 minutes through the end of April 2024.
If you’d like to join us, please use the below registration link.
You’ll need to purchase the book, which is available in print, digital and audio.
For More Information
If you have questions email: